Polina Osetinskaya.
Program XXIV. Debut at the Berlin Philharmonic.

«Her tone is deep and rich, her articulation faultless and her feeling for the pulse of the music she is playing is as natural as breathing — that’s something that cannot be taught.» — KLASSISKMUSIKK

Polina Osetinskaya was born in Moscow and began performing at the age of five. She was soon acclaimed as a Wunderkind. She gave her first concert at the age of six at the Vilnius Conservatory in Lithuania and at the age of seven entered the Central School of Music of the Moscow Conservatory.

2 February
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Polina Osetinskaya’s onstage partners have included Maxim Vengerov, Julian Milkis, Anton Batagov and Alexander Knyazev and she has worked with conductors such as Saulius Sondeckis, Vassily Sinaisky, Andrei Boreiko, Tugan Sokhiev, Laurent Petitgirard, Yan Pascal Tortelier, Teodor Currentzis.She appears at the world’s most important concert halls, including the Barbican in London, the St Petersburg Philharmonic, the Moscow Conservatory and the Musikverein in Vienna, as well as in Rome, Tokyo, Milan, Brussels and throughout the USA, as well as at many festivals in Europe, the USA, Russia and Mexico.

Polina Osetinskaya has performed with ensembles such as the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra, the Orchestra of Weimar National Opera, the St Petersburg Academic Symphony Orchestra, the Brno Philharmonic, the European Sinfonietta.After her debut at the Salzburg Festival in 2019, she performed in triumph at Carnegie Hall, where she now performs every season.

In recital, Polina Osetinskaya is known for her unusual programmers, which include works by contemporary composers juxtaposed with traditional, classical works.


Polina Osetinskaya — piano

Dmitry Shostakovich
24 Preludes (1932-33), op. 34
Nr. 1 in C-Dur: Moderato
Nr. 2 in a-Moll: Allegretto
Nr. 3 in G-Dur: Andante
Nr. 4 in e-Moll: Moderato
Nr. 5 in D-Dur: Allegro vivace
Nr. 6 in b-Moll: Allegretto
Nr. 7 in A-Dur: Andante
Nr. 8 in fis-Moll: Allegretto
Nr. 9 in E-Dur: Presto
Nr.10 in cis-Moll: Moderato non troppo
Nr.11 in B-Dur: Allegretto
Nr.12 in g-Moll: Allegro non troppo
Nr.13 in fis-Moll: Moderato
Nr.14 in es-Moll: Adagio
Nr.15 in Dis-Dur: Allegretto
Nr.16 in b-Moll: Andantino
Nr.17 in As-Dur: Largo
Nr.18 in f-Moll: Allegretto
Nr.19 in Es-Dur: Andantino
Nr.20 in c-Moll: Allegretto furioso
Nr.21 in B-Dur: Allegretto poco moderato
Nr.22 in G-Dur: Adagio
Nr.23 in F-Dur: Moderato
Nr.24 in d-Moll: Allegretto

Fryderyk Chopin
4 Mazurkas for piano (1834-35), Op. 24
1. g-moll
2. C-dur
3. As-dur
4. b-moll

Leonid Desyatnikov
Bukovinian songs. 24 preludes for piano
I. Повiяв вiтер степовий
II. Заплакала старша дружка
III. Звiдки, Ясю? — З-за Дунаю
IV. Ой, у Петрiвочку нiчка маленька
V. Вiтер вiϵ, сонце грiϵ
VI. Кам’яна гора
VII. Ой, пiду в садок
VIII. Ой, Канадочка широка
IX. Ой, вибила дванадцята
X. Прилетiла ластiвочка
XI. Закувала зозуленька на хатi, на розi
XII. Якби знала мати...
XIII. Зелена верба, зелена верба
XIV. Вiд поля до поля выросла тополя
XV. Посiяла пшениченьки шiсть зерен
XVI. Червона калина бiленько зацвiла
XVII. Ой, чиϵ ж то весiллячко
XVIII. Червона калинко, листя зелененьке
XIX. Риба-щука в морi
XX. Кажуть люди, що я помарнiла
XXI. Ой ви вiвцi моï, вiвцi
XXII. Панi пана мала — Петруся кохала
XXIII. Ти, спiваку-нбораку, на що ся надиеш
XXIV. Сопiлочка яворова


Nr. 2 in a-Moll: Allegretto
Nr. 3 in G-Dur: Andante
Nr. 4 in e-Moll: Moderato
Nr. 5 in D-Dur: Allegro vivace
Nr. 6 in b-Moll: Allegretto
Nr. 7 in A-Dur: Andante
Nr. 8 in fis-Moll: Allegretto
Nr. 9 in E-Dur: Presto